About the ABVC Dashboard

About ABVC

The ASEAN BioDiaspora project spearheaded by Indonesia as the lead Country, obtained its endorsement for BioDiaspora project as part of the cooperation under ASEAN – Canada Partnership Program in 2014 by the ASEAN Expert Group on Communicable Diseases (AEGCD) and it was subsequently endorsed by the ASEAN Senior Official Meeting on Health Development (SOMHD). The ASEAN BioDiaspora project also articulated and included as one project activity under the ASEAN Health Cluster 2 Work Programme “Responding to All Hazards and Emerging Threats” 2016 – 2020

The ASEAN BioDiaspora, project to strengthen ASEAN Preparedness and Response to Biological Threats by Enhancing Regional Capacity in Big Data Analytics and Visualization with its objective to build regional capacity in big data predictive analytics that strengthens ASEAN’s epidemic and pandemic preparedness and response capabilities.

In the project implementation mechanism, the ASEAN BioDiaspora project supported by BlueDot.Inc as the implementing agency supporting Indonesia being the lead Country. BlueDot provides technical expertise and support to develop web-based program an ASEAN customized web-application for risk assessment utilising Geographic Information System (GIZ) analytical tools and its relevant data.

Indonesia as the lead country shall be the Project Management Team (PMT) to oversee day-to-day project implementation and its administrative arrangement. The PMT headed by Project Coordinator that is based in Jakarta, Indonesia, to work closely with the project proponent, Ministry of Health, Indonesia.


The ASEAN BioDiaspora project has deep expertise in big data, geographic information systems, and data visualization that are complementary to current ASEAN activities and priorities. The central objective of this Activity is to build regional capacity in big data predictive analytics that strengthens ASEAN’s epidemic and pandemic preparedness and response capabilities

Introduction to data and visualizations

The ASEAN BioDiaspora Virtual Center (ABVC) dashboard displays a Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) that counts infectious and emerging diseases, including cases and mortality reported by countries, as well as the latest daily public health event that informs about diseases events found in the news. We hope that this dashboard will provide frequent updates to data visualization and dissemination.

Data visualization is graphical representation of data that help user understand varied information. They translate raw data into graphical formats, allowing for more rapid and intuitive analysis. Why visualization is important:

  1. Simplicity: They make various information more understandable.
  2. Visualization can reveal hidden trends and outliers in raw data.
  3. Effective communication: data visualization can simplify various information for wider user.
  4. Clear visualizations help user make sensible decision faster.

Carefulness must be exercised when interpreting all provided data and possible inconsistencies information across products released by the ABVC, WHO, national public health authorities and other sources with various inclusion criteria and data cut-off timings which will always be expected. However, endless efforts are made to ensure accuracy and reliability where all data is subject to continuous verification and update. All the above data may vary due to differences in case detection, definition, laboratory testing, vaccination strategy and reporting methodologies.

Sources and processing

This data is based on the following sources:

  1. Government official release.
  2. World Health Organization (WHO).
  3. Our World in Data (OWID).
  4. Center for Disease Control (CDC).
  5. Bluedot Platform.

How we process data

All data and visualizations in ABVC are based on information from one or more original data providers. This original data must go through numerous processing procedures before being released. Depending on the data, this may include standardizing the country names and world region definitions, converting units, calculating related indicators such as case mortality rate, and adding or modifying metadata such as indicator’s name or description.

Reuse this work

All data produced by data providers and made available by ABVC is governed by the license terms of the original providers. Our work would not be feasible without the data providers we rely on, therefore please cite them properly (see below).

ABVC’s data, visualization, and code are fully open access under the Creative Commons by license. You have permission to use, distribute and reproduce information in any manner as long as the source and authors are properly credited.


Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)


The ABVC encourages public access and use of the data that it collects and publishes on its web site https://abvc.asean-phe.org. The data are organized in datasets and made available in machine-readable format (“Datasets”). The Datasets have been compiled from data provided by ABVC.

Use of the data derived from the Datasets, which may appear in formats such as tables and charts, is also subject to these Terms and Conditions. Datasets may include data describing the Dataset called “Metadata”. If any datasets are credited to a source other than ABVC, then those materials are not covered by these Terms and Conditions, and permission should be sought from the source provided. You are responsible for determining if this is the case, and if so, you are responsible for obtaining any necessary permission from the sources indicated. The risk of claims resulting from infringement of any original source-owned component in the materials rests solely with you.

You may use our application programming interfaces (“APIs”) to facilitate access to the Datasets, whether through a separate web site or through another type of software application. By using the Datasets or any presentations of data derived from them, or by using our APIs in connection with the Datasets, you agree to be bound by these Terms and Conditions, as may be amended from time to time by ABVC at its sole discretion.

Unless specifically indicated otherwise, these Datasets are provided to you under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (CC BY 4.0), with the additional terms below. The basic terms applicable to the CC BY 4.0 license may be accessed here. By downloading or using the Datasets, you agree to comply with the terms of the CC BY 4.0 license, as well as the following mandatory and binding addition:

Any dispute relating to the interpretation or application of this license shall, unless amicably settled, be subject to conciliation. In the event of failure of the latter, the dispute shall be settled by arbitration. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the modalities to be agreed upon by the parties or, in the absence of agreement, with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules. The parties shall accept the arbitral award as final.

Permission type

Publicly accessible

Prohibited uses

You shall not attempt to de-anonymise the Datasets or use the Datasets in a manner that falsifies or misrepresents their content.

You shall not, in connection with your use of the Datasets published on https://abvc.asean-phe.org, state or imply that ABVC endorses, or is affiliated with you, or that ABVC endorses your use of https://abvc.asean-phe.org, or any content, output, or analysis resulting from or related to the https://abvc.asean-phe.org, or any entity, organization, company, product or services.


Asean Biodiaspora Virtual Center 2024 https://abvc.asean-phe.org, ABVC dashboard > About [Dashboard]. https://abvc.asean-phe.orgabout


ABVC reserves the right at any time and from time to time to modify or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the Datasets, or any means of accessing or utilizing the Datasets with or without prior notification.


The designation used and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply that ABVC has expressed any opinion regarding the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or its authorities, or the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.

ABVC has taken all reasonable efforts to ensure the accuracy of the datasets. However, the datasets are provided without any warranty, express or implied. User will be fully responsible for the use of the datasets. ABVC shall not be held responsible for any damages resulting from such use under any circumstances.

Contact us

For all other enquiries and feedback related to the ABVC Dashboard, please contact us via support@biodiaspora.org  for further information.